Found: Aaron Lopez Account Books

June 6, 2013
Lopez Account-M

A detailed image of the Lopez Account Book from the NHS collections.

Laura Parrish, Associate Librarian at Winterthur Museum, Garden & Library in Delaware, contacted the Newport Historical Society to help authenticate a suspected Aaron Lopez account book in their collections. We were able to do so by comparing the account balance of Mary Tomlin in their book to a similar entry in one of the books in our collection. In October 1765 she had a balance of £89.16 which was transferred to a new ledger book “M” after the clerk ran out of room in the old book. Our Lopez book “M” picked up the same balance, transferred from the old book, thus proving the connection. These missing puzzle pieces from around the world come to our attention often and always shed light on the scope of international trade and the depths of our own collections.

NHS account book “M” showing same balance transferred in October 1765

NHS account book “M” showing same balance transferred in October 1765.